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Department of Pure and Applied Biology, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria
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Prof. AZEEZ Musibau Adewuyi
Faculty: Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
Department: Department of Pure and Applied Biology

Brief about me

I’m a Professor of Genetics and Biotechnology at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Ogbomoso, Nigeria with 25 years of professional experience of teaching and research. I had a year postdoctoral training in nanobiotechnology (Green Synthesis and Applications) at the Institute of Advance Training in Chemistry, University of Pune, India (2013-2014). I was the Deputy Dean, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, LAUTECH (2016-2018). Presently, the Head of the Department of Pure and Applied Biology, and Chairman, Students’ Disciplinary Committee, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso.

I had my PhD in Plant Biology with teaching and research experiences majorly in Genetics, Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. I teach courses such as Cell and Molecular Biology, Review of the Plant Kingdom, Mycology, Introductory Genetics and Evolution, Cytogenetics, Population Genetics and Environmental Biotechnology. My research interest focuses on germplasm development, characterization, conservation and utilization for cultivar improvement and development. My area of investigations include but not limited to genetic diversity study, crosses and hybrid production, mutation breeding for yield and quality improvement. I have expertise in cytology, plant tissue culture and protein biochemistry. I have also extended my search light to nanobiotechnology for innovation in crop production and improvement. My current research responsibilities include:

I have the spirit of a team player with enthusiasm in carrying out my duty towards realization of the goal of the team. I equally have strong capacity for independent research and critical thinking with coordinated efforts towards achieving the set objectives of an organization.

Academic Qualifications
B.Tech. Biology 1997
M.Sc. Botany 2001
Ph.D. Plant Biology 2011

Professional Qualifications

Protein Biochemistry
Plant Tissue Culture
Applied Genetics and Plant Breeding
Plant Biotechnology

Plant germplasm development, characterization, conservation and utilization for cultivar improvement and development
Mutation breeding for plant yield and quality improvement
Ecofriendly biosynthesis of novel nanomaterials for applications in crop improvement


List of Publications

1. Liasu, M .O., Azeez, M. A., and Atayese, M. O. (2002). Influence of A.M. fungal inoculation on performance of three cultivars of maize during late seasons in a savannah soil. Science Focus1: 16 - 20.

2.Azeez, M. A. and Morakinyo J. A. (2002). Compatibility studies and occurrence of reciprocal differences in Sesamum and Ceratothecaspecies. Bioscience Research Communication14(5): 537 - 541.

3.Azeez, M. A. and Morakinyo, J. A. (2003). Segregation patterns in the second generationhybrids of Sesamum and Ceratotheca L. species. Science Focus2: 17 - 21.

4. Aremu, C.O., Fawole, I., and Azeez, M.A. (2003). Cytogenic analysis of branching traits and inheritance pattern in a cross of branching and non-branching cowpea (Vignaunguiculata L. Walp).Nigerian Journal Genetics18: 44 - 48.

5.Azeez, M. A. and Morakinyo, J. A. (2004). Electrophoretic characterization of crude leaf proteins in Lycopersicon and Trichosanthescultivars. African Journal of Biotechnology3(11):585 - 587.

6. Bakare, A. A., Azeez, M. A., and Agbolade, J. O. (2006). Gene frequencies of ABO andrhesus blood groups and haemoglobin variants in Ogbomoso, South - West Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology5(3): 224 - 229.

7.Azeez, M. A., Yekeen, T. A., and Akinboro, A. (2006). Cytotoxic effects of cobalt and copper chloride salt solutions on Alliumcepa. Science Focus12(2):43 - 49.

8.Azeez, M. A. ,Akinboro, A. and Bakare, A. A. (2007). Human sex ratio at birth in South WestNigeria.Indian Journal of Human Genetics13(2): 59 - 64.IF: 2.526 (India) http://www.ncbi.

9. Fawole, O. O., Yekeen, T. A., Ayandele, A., Akinboro, A., Azeez, M. A., and Adewoye, S. O. (2008). Polluted Allamuyoriver: Impact on surrounding wells, its microbial attributes and toxic effects on Alliumcepa root cells.African Journal of Biotechnology7(4): 450 - 458.

10. Akinboro, A., Azeez, M. A., and Bakare, A. A. (2008). Frequency of twinning in South West Nigeria.Indian Journal of Human Genetics14(2): 41 - 47.IF: 2.526 (India) http://www. /articles/PMC2840794/

11.Azeez, M. A. and Morakinyo, J. A. (2011). Genetic diversity of fatty acids in Sesame and their relatives in Nigeria. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology113(2): 238 - 244.

12.Azeez, M.A. and Morakinyo, J. A. (2011). Path analysis of the relationships between single plant seed yield and some morphological traits in sesame (Genera Sesamum and Ceratotheca).International Journal of Plant breeding and Genetics5(4): 358 - 368.

13.Azeez, M. A. and Morakinyo, J. A. (2011) Genetic diversity of the seed physical dimensions in cultivated and wild relatives of sesame (Genera Sesamum andCeratotheca).International Journal of Plant breeding and Genetics5(4): 369 - 378.

14. Yekeen, T. A.,Adetiba, O. A., Azeez, M. A., Falodun, M. A. Akintaro, S. I., and Yekeen, T. A.(2011). Studies on the proximate analysis of Solanumaethiopicum, Lactucataraxacifoliaand Talinumtriangulare and potential cytotoxic effects of their aqueous extract usingAlliumcepa assay. Annals of Biological Research2(5): 696-706.

15. Yekeen, T. A., Falodun, M. A, Azeez, M. A., Adetiba, O. A., and Ogundiran, M. A. (2011). Nutritionalqualities and cytotoxic evaluation of Vernoniaamygdalina, Amaranthuscaudatumand Telfairiaoccidentalis vegetables widely consumed in South West Nigeria.Archives of Applied Science Research3(6): 383-391.

16. Yekeen, T. A., Akintaro, O. I., Akinboro, A., and Azeez, M. A. (2013). Evaluation of cytogenotoxic and nutrient composition of three commonly consumed vegetables in South-Western Nigeria. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development13(2): 7452 - 7466.

17. Azeez, M. A., Bello, O. S., and Adedeji, A.O.(2013). Traditional and medicinal uses of Luffacylindrica: A Review.Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies1(5): 102-111.

18.Azeez, M. A., Aremu, C. O., and Olaniyan, O. O. (2013). Assessment of genetic variation in accessions of sesame (Sesamumindicum L.) and its crosses by seed protein electrophoresis. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies19(4): 383-391.

19.Adebayo, E. A. Oloke, J. K., Azeez, M. A., Omomowo, I. O., and Bora, T. C. (2014). Assessment of the genetic diversity among ten genotypes of Pleurotus (Oyster Mushroom) using nutrient and mineral compositions. Scientia Horticulturae166: 59-64.

20. Animashaun, D. A., Oyedeji, S., Azeez, M. A., andOnasanya, A. (2014). Evaluation of the vegetative and yield performances of groundnut (Arachishypogaea) varieties Samnut 10 and Samnut 20 treated with sodium azide. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications4(3): 1-10.

21. Bello, O. B., Olawuyi, O. J., AbdulMaliq, S. Y., Ige, S. A., Mahamood, J., Azeez, M. A., andAfolabi, M. S. (2014). Yield performance and adaptation of early and intermediate drought-tolerant maize genotypes in Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 30(1): 53-66. 

22. Bello, O. B., Olawuyi, O. J., Ige, S. A. Mahamood, J., Afolabi, M. S., Azeez, M. A.,andAbdulmaliq, S. Y. (2014). Agro-nutritional variations of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria.Journal of Agricultural Sciences59(2): 101-116. 

23. Abdul-Hammed, M., Azeez, M. A., Bello, M. O., and Oghenekevwe, G. E. (2014). Assessmentof nutritional, antioxidant and pro-Vitamin A indices of tomatoes under field and postharvest ripening conditions. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological andChemical Sciences5(4): 649-661.

24. Azeez, M. A. andMorakinyo, J. A. (2014). Combining ability studies and potential for oil improvement in sesame (Sesamumindicum L.). Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies20 (1): 1-8.

25. Agharkar, M., Kochrekar, S., Hidouri, S., and Azeez, M. A. (2014). Trends in green reduction ofgraphene oxides, issues and challenges: A review. Materials Reseach Bulletin59: 323-328

26. Animasaun, D. A. Oyedeji, S., Azeez, M. A. and Onasanya, A. O. (2014). Alkylating efficiency of Sodium Azide on pod yield, nut size and nutrition composition of SAMNUT 10 and SAMNUT 20 varieties of groundnut (Arachishypogeal L.). African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 14(7): 9497 - 9510. 

27. Azeez, M. A., Yekeen, T. A., Animasaun, D. A., Durodola, F. A. and Bello, O. B. (2015). Terminaliaavicennioides as a potential candidate for pharmaceutical industry: a review. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological andChemical Sciences,6(2): 748 - 754. IF: 0.75 (India)

28. Animasaun, D. A., Oyedeji, S., Azeez, Y. K., Mustapha, O. T. and Azeez, M. A. (2015). Genetic variability among ten cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) using morpho-agronomic traits and nutritional composition. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(2): 119-130. IF: Nil   (Sir Lanka) article?id= 66

29. Animasaun, D. A., Oyedeji, S., Onyegwukwu, F. and Azeez, M. A. (2015). Evaluation of growth and pollen viability in relation to fruit set among five varieties of tomato grown in Nigeria.Agronomskiglasnik, 76 (4-5). IF: Nil (Croatia)

30. Kochrekar, S., Agharkar, M., Salgaonkar, M., Gharge, M., Hidouri, S. and Azeez, M. A. (2015). Economic and eco-friendly recycling of used dry batteries for synthesis of graphene oxide by sheer exfoliation in presence of SDS. Solid State Physics: Proceedings of the 59thDAE Solid State Physics. 1-3. IF: Nil (India)

31. Abdul-Hammed, M., Bello, O. S., Azeez, M. A. and Adedeji, N. O. (2015). Bioformation of carotenoids in tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) under two ripening conditions: A kinetic study. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 293-301. IF: 3.20 (USA).

32. Lateef, A., Ojo, S. A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I. C., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2015). Cobweb as novel biomaterial for the green and eco-friendly synthesis of silver nanoparticles. Appl Nanosci

33. Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I. C., Ajetomobi, F.E., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2015). Cola nitida-mediated biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using seed and seed shell extracts and evaluation of antimicrobial activities. NanoBioSci.

34. Lateef, A., Azeez, M.A., Asafa, T.B., Yekeen, T.A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I.C., Azeez, L., Ajibade, S.E., Ojo, S.A., Gueguim-Kana, E.B., and Beukes, L.S. (2016). Biogenic synthesis of silver nanoparticles using a pod extract of Cola nitida: Antibacterial, antioxidant activities and application as additive paint. Journal of Taibah University for Science, 10: 551-562.

35. Lateef, A., Azeez, M.A., Asafa, T.B., Yekeen, T.A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I.C., Azeez, L., Ajibade, S.E., Ojo, S.A., Gueguim-Kana, E.B., and Beukes, L.S. (2016). Cocoa pod husk extract-mediated biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles: Its antimicrobial, antioxidant and larvicidal activities. Journal of NanoStructure in Chemistry, 6: 159-169. 

36. Hetal D. Patel, Ramar Krishnamurthy1 and Musibau A. Azeez(2016). Effect of Biofertilizer on Growth, Yield and Bioactive Component ofPlumbago zeylanica(Lead Wort). Journal of Agricultural Science, 8 (5): 141 – 155. (Canadian Center for Science and Education)

37. Sunday, A. O., Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Oladejo, S. M., Akinwale, A. S., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen,T. A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I. C., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2016). Biomedical and catalytic applications of gold and silver –gold alloy nanoparticles biosynthesized using cell-free extract of Bacillus safensis LAU 13; antifungal, dye degredation, anti-coagulant and thrombolytic activities. IEE Transac. NanoBioSci., 15(5): 433-442. 

38. Lateef, A., Akande, M. A., Azeez, M. A., Ojo, S. A., Folarin, B. I., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2016). Phytosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using miracle fruit plant (Synsepalumdulcificum) for antibacterial, catalytic, anticoagulant, and thrombolytic applications. Nanothechnology Review, 5(6): 507-520. 

39.Akinboro, A., Komolafe, E. K. and Azeez, M. A. (2016). A retrospective study on fourtheen year hemoglobin genotype variants recorded at five government hospitals in Akure, Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics, 17(4): 377-381. 

40. Azeez, M. A., Yekeen, T. A., Adedeji, A. O. and Bello, O. S. (2016). Proximate and phytochemical constituents of four medicinal plants and their cytogenotoxic effects using Allium cepa assay. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies22 (3): 132 - 141. IF: NIL (Romania) 

41. Adebayo, E. A., Oloke, J. K., Azeez, M. A., Ayandele, A. A. and Majolagbe, O. N. (2016). Compatibility study using hybridization procedure among Pleurotus genotypes and authentication by enzyme expression and ITSR of rDNA. Russian Agricultural Sciences, 42(6): 423-430. Doi:10.3103/S106836741606001X

42. Azeez, M. A., Lateef, A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Akinboro, A., Oladipo, I. C., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2017) Biomedical applications of cocoa bean extract-mediated silver nanoparticles as antimicrobial, larvicidal and anticoagulant agents. Journal of Cluster Science, 28:149-164. DOI:10.1007/s10876-016-1055-2.

43. Azeez, M. A., Olowookere, M. B., Animasaun, D. A. and Bello, B. O. (2017). Utility of some floral characters in the assessment of genetic diversity in sesame (Sesamumindicum L.). ActaAgriculturaeSlovenica, 109(1): 61-70. Doi:10.14720/aas.2017.109.1.06

44. Lateef, A., Ojo, S.A., Elegbede, J. A.Azeez, M.A., Yekeen, T.A., Akinboro, A.(2017).Evaluation of Some Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging, Anticoagulant and Thrombolytic Activities. Journal of Cluster Science, 28(3): 1379-1392. IF: 1.302DOI: 10.1007/s10876-016-1146-0

45. Animasaun, D. A., Shaibu, B., Oyedeji, S. and Azeez, M. A. (2017). Fractionalization of seed storage protein in some selected pea and bean varieties used as food in Nigeria by SDS-PAGE. Annals Food Science and Technology,18(2): 255-262.

46. Oladipo, I. C., Lateef, A., Elegbede, J. A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Akinboro, A., Gueguim-Kana, E. B., Beukes, L. S., Oluyide, T. O. and Atanda, O. R. (2017). Enterococcus species for the one-pot biofabrication of gold nanoparticles: characterization and nanobiotechnological applications. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 173: 250-257. 

47. Oladipo, I. C., Lateef, A., Elegbede, J. A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Akinboro, A., Akinwale, A. S., Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Beukes, L. S. (2017). Green synthesis and antimicrobial activities of silver nanoparticles using cell free-extracts of Enterococcus species. Notulae Scientia Biologicae, 9(2): 196-203.

48. Elegbede, J. A., Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Oladipo, I. C., Aina, D. A., Beukes, L. S. and Gueguim-Kana, E. B. 2018. Biofabrication of gold nanoparticles using xylanase through valorization of corncob by Aspergillusniger and Trichodermalongibranchiatum: antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticoagulant and thrombolytic activities. Waste and biomass Valorization, 11(3): 781-791. 

49. Elegbede, J. A., Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Oladipo, I. C., Adebayo, E. A., Beukes, L. S. and Gueguim-Kana, E. B. 2018. Fungal xylanases-mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles for catalytic and biomedical applications. IET nanotechnology, 12(6): 857-863. DOI: 10.1049/iet-nbt.2017.0299

50. Elegbede, J. A., Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Asafa, T. B., Yekeen, T. A., Oladipo, I. C., Abbas, S. H., Beukes, L. S. and Gueguim-Kana, E. B. 2018. Silver‐gold alloy nanoparticles biofabricated by fungal xylanases exhibited potent biomedical and catalytic activities. Biotechnology Progress, 35(5): e2829. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.2829

51. Adebayo, E. A., Azeez, M. A., Majolagbe, O. N., and Oloke, J. K. 2018. Genetic diversity among strains of Pleurotusspecies (oyster mushroom) using morphometric traits under varied temperature and pH.Annals of Science and Technology-A, 3 (1): 7-15. DOI: 10.2478/ast-2018-0009

52. Adedayo D. A., Oyedeji, S., Olorunmaiye, K. S., Azeez, M. A., Tijani, I. A., Morakinyo, J. A.2019.Morpho-chemical divergence and fatty acid profile of shea tree seeds (Vitellaria paradoxa) collected from different locations in Kwara State, Nigeria. Acta Botanica Croatica, 78(1): 17 – 24.

53. Adepoju, A.O., Ogunkunle, A.T.J., Azeez, M.A.and Femi-Adepoju, A.G. 2019. Value of Seed Protein Profile in the Taxonomy of cultivars of Capsicum in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology, 36(2): 1-8. 

54. Badmus, J. A., Oyemomi, S. A., Adedosu, O. T., Yekeen, T. A., Azeez, M. A., Adebayo, E. A., Lateef, A., Badeggi, U. M., Botha, S., Hussein, A. A., Marnewick, J. L. 2020.Photo-assisted bio-fabrication of silver nanoparticles using Annona muricata leaf extract: exploring the antioxidant, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial, and cytotoxic activities. Heliyon 6(11):e05413. 

55. Adebayo,E. A., Ibikunle J. B., Oke, A. M., Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Adeboye, O. O., Ajala, V. A., Olowoporoku, T. B., Okunlola, O. C., Ogundele, O. A., Badmus, J. A., Asafa, T. B., Beukes, L. S.,Gueguim-Kana, E. B. and Hakeem, A. S. 2020. Antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of silver, gold and silver-gold alloy nanoparticles phytosynthesized using extract of Opuntia ficus-indica. Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 58(1): 313-326.

56. Asafa, T. B., Odusote, J. K., Ibrahim, O. S., Lateef, A., Durowoju, M. O., Azeez, M. A., Yekeen, T. A., Oladipo, I. C., Adebayo, E. A., Badmus, J. A., Sanusi, Y. K. and Adedokun, O. 2020. Inhibition efficiency of silver nanoparticles solution on corrosion of mild steel and aluminum in 1.0 M HCl medium. IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering, 805: 012018.

57. Azeez, M. A., Durodola, F. A., Lateef, A.,Yekeen, T. A., Adubi, A. O., Oladipo, I. C., Adebayo, E. A., Badmus, J. A. and Abawulem, A. O. 2020. Green synthesized novel silver nanoparticles and their application as anticoagulant and thrombolytic agents: A perspective. IOP Conf. Series: Material Science and Engineering, 805: 012043. 

58. Lateef, A., Azeez, M. A., Badmus, S. and Adigun, G. O. 2021. A decade of nanotechnology research in Nigeria: a scientometric analysis. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 23(9): 

59. Adebayo, E. A., Azeez, M. A., Alao, M. B., Oke, A. M. and Aina, D. A. 2021. Fungi as veritable tool in current advances in nanobiotechnology. Heliyon7(11): e08480.

60. Animasaun D. A., Akande, T. I., Oyedeji, S. and Azeez, M. A. 2021. Differential growth, nutrition content and heavy metal accumulation in Basella species irrigated with domestic effluent wastewater in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria. BIHAREAN BIOLOGIST 15 (1): 59-63.e201402

61. Badmus, J. A., Oyemomi, S. A., Fatoki, J. O., Yekeen, T. A., Adedosu, O. T., Adegbola, P. I., Azeez, M. A., Adebayo, E. A. and Lateef, A. (2022). Anti-haemolytic and cytogenotoxic potential of aqueous leaf extract of Annonamuricata (L.) and its bio-fabricated silver nanoparticles. Caryologia75(1), 3-13.

62. Azeez, M. A., Adubi, A. O. and Durodola, F. A. 2018. Landraces and Crop Genetic Improvement. In: Oscar Grillo (IntechOpen eds.) Rediscovery of  landraces as a Resource for the Future. IntechOpen, Pp. 1-19.

63. Animasaun, D. A., Azeez, M. A., Adubi, A. O., Durodola, F. A. and Morakinyo, J. A. 2020. Trends in genetically modified crops development in Nigeria: Issues and challenges. In: Genetically Modified and Irradiated Food. Academic Press, 131-150.

64. Adebayo, E. A., Azeez, M. A., Alao, M. B., Oke, M. A. and Aina, D. A. (2021). Mushroom Nanobiotechnology: Concepts, Developments and Potentials. In: Lateef, A., Gueguim-Kana, E. B., Dasgupta, N. and Ranjan, S. (Eds.). Microbial Nanobiotechnology: Principles and Applications. Springer Nature Singapore Plc. Ltd. ISBN: 978-981-334-777-9, 429